A virtual meeting means it is time to follow a good strategy to secure funds to build your dream company. But it is also quite possible for you to get nervous and excited during this life-changing moment. That being said, avoid making these and it will increase your chances of getting investors to engage with you.

Going with a Mob

Going to a meeting with your whole team has never been a good idea because it raises questions about the efficiency of the CEO and his company. If the founders and CTO are seen sitting in an investor meeting, it would also seem unreasonable and would give the impression that the company has nothing to do. When only the CEO is present it creates direct interaction with the investor.

Bad choice of App

Do not let your obscure choice of video calling platform mess up your plans. Try to figure out a platform the investor is comfortable using or a user-friendly app, beforehand and run a test call on the app before you connect so you may eliminate the chance of any surprise errors. Go through all its features to make your presentation display easier and better.

Not having an alternative plan.

Technical problems can be very frustrating during a presentation, especially when everyone is involved. This can change the spirit of the meeting and weaken the energy of the room. If the investor requisites more time than planned, offer them your cell phone number or suggest them a telephone call instead. Make sure to have a backup internet connection in case of an emergency.

Being shy or overconfident

Do not let ‘Imposter Syndrome’ take over you during an investor meeting. Being humble or over-bearing both can be hazardous for the company’s future. Be thoroughly prepared for the meeting so you can be your best self and not be arrogant. Also, note that bragging will not set a good image.

Not Being Genuine

Pretending to be someone you are not just to please the investor might get you the funding for that very deal but it will not work in the long run. Maintaining a relationship is more important than getting one-time money because the relationship will be beneficial for your company for the next many years to come.

Be the people-pleaser

During your presentation, there might be a point where the investor may seem disinterested or not involved. Here is when you have to step in with your talent of people-pleasing. Even if you don’t have one you should at least learn the tactics of engaging them in a conversation. Ask some questions to figure out how much you should be prioritizing this investor as this is your opportunity to sell your vision. Try to learn maximum about the potential investor in the minimal time you have.

Don’t let the Q&A session scare you.

Try to give exceptional time to the Q&A session so the investor may comfortably ask you questions. Take every question seriously and have a calm tone while answering them. Make your guest feel free to ask you anything about your entrepreneur idea. If a difficult question comes up, don’t panic, think thoroughly, and answer but don’t take too long. Investors love to know your ‘why’ as it adds context to whatever you are going to say next.